Thursday, 19 September 2024


Living in a face me i face house is a serious disease. Not only does it have it own bad side which sharing of the same toilet, bathroom and kitchen; it also have the human abi should i say people bad side. In a face me i face house, you will see strife, jealousy, backbiting, envy, gossip, competitions among tenants and this things go so deep a times that they get diabolical on one another. But this scenario is not in every face me i face you compound but i can say 95% there are such cases like i listed or even more . 

    These people don't know each other from anywhere other than they rented a room in the same compound and a times if not most, even the owners of the house joins in this nasty attitudes which is mind boggling to me most times.

None of my siblings or i was born in a face me i face you compound but we moved there at a point when things became difficult for my dad. I remember how the landlord's second wife of the first face me i face you house we moved into started competing with us by advising her children both male and female to start bleaching their skin to look fair, all because we are fair in complexion; which is a natural thing for us because we are born that way. We got t0o know about this because their last born spilled every detail to me simply because we were children then and she wanted to be friends with me so badly😎😎 as a celebrity that i am😜.

They gossip about each other like their life depends on it which is something i despise with a passion. And the worst part is, they gossip about things that happen and things that did not even happen and they spread that false information like wildfire. I know there is the fun side of living in a general compound but the bad or should i say worst side outweighs the fun side. 

Its in a general compound you see different types of people. We have those that gossip from room to room; collecting everyone's information and spilling it to others in the compound. We have those that will praise you compliment you, but are quick to condemn and speak ill about you when you are not in sight. Then we have those that are always in competition with everyone even when no one is in competition with them. What they catch you doing, they want to do same too. Is it what you wear or what you eat, they wanna do same too like as if that outfit or food was created for you alone. And a whole lot of other characters like that. 

If you are the type of person that don't wanna associate with anyone simply because you don't wanna quarrel or fight with anyone, they will say you are forming that you should have gone to rent flat and not a room cos you are forming what you are not. And there is no how you cant associate with them at a point cos you share things with them that will always bring you close to them from time to time. 
We have read so many stories about neighbors poisoning their neighbors in a general compound and even the one that poured very hot water on her fellow neighbor cos they fought.

There are also good people in a face me i face you house but they are much and when you get such a person you hold them tight. In some general compounds, there is no day that fights do not take place. If they don't fight because of wire for spreading clothes, they will fight about space in the kitchen or fight about whose time is it to enter the bathroom or whose turn is it to fetch water or fight about their children. There must always be something to fight about in a general compound which makes such environment toxic and unhealthy.

In conclusion, face me i face you house isn't a place any sane thinking human should stay in if you don't have funds challenge and that is the reason a lot of people stay in such a house. 
It is advisable to rent even if its a room selfcon where you can have your privacy and decide to associate with people if you want and not cos you cant avoid it.

See you in my next chapter. Bye for now besties


Its another day in another week in another month and its important to give thanks to God for all He is doing in our lives. Giving thanks to God is very necessary and important to God because when you do that, you open more doors for more blessings from God. 

When you don't give thanks, you don't open doors for more blessings. Its not like as if God will not bless you when you don't but things that might take you years to achieve, He will hasten it up for you. You don't know the kind of open doors that comes with giving thanks to God because if you do, you will be giving thanks to God every minute of the day.

Let me share with you my besties a story about myself on giving thanks to God. I remember years ago when i decided that i wanted to further my education but  there were several challenges that made it look like it impossible to achieve. The first challenge is that there is no money for me to further my education and no sponsor anywhere and the second challenge is that i studied science in school but didn't want to further with a science course so it required me to write an exam to change my course of study which also requires funds cos i have to take classes for like 3months before i can undergo the exam. 

The first thing i did was to pray about it for like a week and after that i kept thanking God about it and not praying anymore. i will always declare words of thanksgiving in the morning and at night saying all the funds that i require to change my course of study, get into school and till i finish comes to me free course unhindered. i kept saying that and did they all come to reality? Yes they did and in fact i had more than enough funds for everything i needed while in school till i graduated. How the funds came is a story i will share with you guys another day.

So you see why i said giving thanks to God is very important as a Christian and a child of God. Let me share with you guys what i say when i want to give thanks to God. 

'First i say Father Lord, thank You for all you have done in my life, thank You for all you are doing and thank You for all You will do. Thank You for the challenges because i know they are bread to me and You said in Your Word that we should give thanks in every situation we find ourselves in because they are for our upliftment. Thank you Father in Jesus name, Amen'.

That is how i say mine short and simple and you can say yours however you like or follow this guideline but make sure you cultivate the habit of giving thanks to God every day. Don't give thanks to God only when you are going through challenges; make it a daily habit and see how your life turns around for good for you.

I hope you have been inspired to cultivate the habit of giving thanks to God at all times and you can do how many times you like in a day. 

Thank you besties for reading and have a wonderful day.

Bye for now.